Take Charge of Your
ATeenager's Guide to Better
Family Matters
Are your parents, brothers, or sisters overweight? Do any
of them have health problems related to their weight, such
as type 2 diabetes? Your family’s gene pool, eating habits,
and activities can all play a role in your health and the
way you look.
Type 2 diabetes is increasing in adolescents and teenagers
who are overweight. Diabetes means that blood glucose (blood
sugar) is too high. Diabetes is serious. It can hurt your
eyes, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, gums, and teeth.
Even if members of your family have type 2 diabetes or other
health problems, it doesn’t mean that you will have the same
problems. To lower your chances of developing them, eat healthy
foods, get moving, and talk to your family or health care
provider if you are concerned about your weight or health.
So, Where Do I Start?
The road to better health starts with good eating and physical
activity habits. Being aware of your habits will help you
learn where you need to make changes.
you normally watch a lot of TV or play a lot of video games?
These activities can be relaxing, but you don’t need to move
much to do them. Spending too much time not moving around
can make you feel tired and lazy, and lead to poor muscle
tone. You can be active every day and still have time to do
other things you enjoy, like playing video games!
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National Institutes of Health
NIH Publication No. 01-4328