Body Mass Index
BMI is the measurement of your weight in relation to your height.
Even if you don't notice results on the scale, you could be losing inches. Keep
track of your measurements on this chart.
Keep track of the calories you consume each day.
Fitness Folio
A multi-use chart that you can use to track your daily nutrition, water/vitamin
intake, exercise, and weight. |
Food Pyramid
Two food pyramids: The USDA's daily guidelines and Harvard's Health Eating Pyramid |
Hunger Diary
Eating when you're not hungry? Keep track of the foods you eat. You may discover
an unhealthy pattern in your habits.
Write down one positive comment about yourself every day. When you have a bad
day, read this journal for some inspiration.
Weekly Goals
Write down your goals for the week. Tape this paper to your mirror and cross off
goal when completed.
Weight Tracker
Whether you weight yourself daily or weekly, keep track of your weight on this
simple chart.
Workout Log
The Workout Log can be used to keep track of your daily workouts.