Type 2 Diabetes
What is it?
Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes or noninsulin-dependent
diabetes. It is the most common type of diabetes in the U.S. Type 2 diabetes
is a disease in which blood sugar levels are above normal. High blood sugar
is a major cause of early death, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and
How is it linked to being overweight?
More than 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. It is not
known exactly why people who are overweight are more likely to suffer from this
disease. It may be that being overweight causes cells to change, making them
less effective at using sugar from the blood. This then puts stress on the cells
that produce insulin (a hormone that carries sugar from the blood to cells)
and makes them gradually fail.
What can weight loss do?
Losing weight and becoming more physically active can help one’s body control
blood sugar levels. Losing weight and exercising more may also allow one to
reduce the amount of diabetes medication he or she takes.
Heart Disease and Stroke
What is it?
Heart disease means that the heart and circulation (blood flow) are not functioning
normally. A person with heart disease may suffer from a heart attack, congestive
heart failure, sudden cardiac death, angina (chest pain), or abnormal heart
rhythm. During a stroke, blood and oxygen do not flow normally to the brain,
possibly causing paralysis or death. Heart disease is the leading cause of death
in the U.S., and stroke is the third leading cause.
How is it linked to being overweight?
People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure,
high levels of triglycerides (blood fats) and LDL cholesterol (a fat-like substance
often called the “bad cholesterol”), and low levels of HDL cholesterol (the
“good cholesterol”). These are all risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
In addition, people with more body fat have higher blood levels of substances
that cause inflammation. Inflammation in blood vessels and throughout the body
may raise heart disease risk.
What can weight loss do?
Losing 5 to 15 percent of one’s body weight can lower the chances for developing
heart disease or having a stroke. For a person weighing 200 pounds, this means
losing as little as 10 pounds. Weight loss may improve blood pressure, triglyceride,
and cholesterol levels; improve how the heart works and blood flows; and decrease
inflammation throughout the body.
What is it?
Cancer occurs when cells in one part of the body, such as the colon, grow abnormally
or out of control and possibly spread to other parts of the body, such as the
liver. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S.
How is it linked to being overweight?
Being overweight may increase the risk of developing several types of cancer,
including cancers of the colon, esophagus, and kidney. Overweight is also linked
with uterine and postmenopausal breast cancer in women. Gaining weight during
adult life increases the risk for several of these cancers. Being overweight
also may increase the risk of dying from some cancers. It is not known exactly
how being overweight increases cancer risk. It may be that fat cells make hormones
that affect cell growth and lead to cancer. Also, eating or physical activity
habits that may lead to being overweight may also contribute to cancer risk.
What can weight loss do?
Avoiding weight gain may prevent a rise in cancer risk. Weight loss, and healthy
eating and physical activity habits, may lower cancer risk.
Sleep Apnea
What is it?
Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person stops breathing for short periods
during the night. A person who has sleep apnea may suffer from daytime sleepiness,
difficulty concentrating, and even heart failure.
How is it linked to being overweight?
The risk for sleep apnea is higher for people who are overweight. A person who
is overweight may have more fat stored around his or her neck. This may make
the airway smaller. A smaller airway can make breathing difficult, loud (snoring),
or stop altogether. In addition, fat stored in the neck and throughout the body
can produce substances that cause inflammation. Inflammation in the neck may
be a risk factor for sleep apnea.
What can weight loss do?
Weight loss usually improves sleep apnea. Weight loss may help to decrease neck
size and lessen inflammation.
What is it?
Osteoarthritis is a common joint disorder. With osteoarthritis, the joint bone
and cartilage (tissue that protects joints) wear away. Osteoarthritis most often
affects the joints of the knees, hips, and lower back.
How is it linked to being overweight?
Extra weight may place extra pressure on joints and cartilage, causing them
to wear away. In addition, people with more body fat may have higher blood levels
of substances that cause inflammation. Inflammation at the joints may raise
the risk for osteoarthritis.
What can weight loss do?
Weight loss can decrease stress on the knees, hips, and lower back, and lessen
inflammation in the body. Losing weight may help improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Gallbladder Disease
What is it?
Gallstones are clusters of solid material that form in the gallbladder. They
are made mostly of cholesterol and can sometimes cause abdominal or back pain.
How is it linked to being overweight?
People who are overweight have a higher risk for developing gallbladder disease
and gallstones. They may produce more cholesterol, a risk factor for gallstones.
Also, people who are overweight may have an enlarged gallbladder, which may
not work properly.
What can weight loss do?
Weight loss — especially fast weight loss (more than 3 pounds per week) or loss
of a large amount of weight — can actually increase your chance of developing
gallstones. Modest, slow weight loss of about 1/2 to 2 pounds a week is less
likely to cause gallstones.
Fatty Liver Disease
What is it?
Fatty liver disease occurs when fat builds up in the liver cells and causes
injury and inflammation in the liver. It can sometimes lead to severe liver
damage, cirrhosis (build-up of scar tissue that blocks proper blood flow in
the liver), or even liver failure. Fatty liver disease is like alcoholic liver
damage, but it is not caused by alcohol and can occur in people who drink little
or no alcohol.
How is it linked to being overweight?
People who have diabetes or “pre-diabetes” (when blood sugar levels are higher
than normal but not yet in the diabetic range) are more likely to have fatty
liver disease than people without these conditions. And people who are overweight
are more likely to have diabetes. It is not known why some people who are overweight
or diabetic get fatty liver and others do not.
What can weight loss do?
Losing weight can help you control your blood sugar levels. It can also reduce
the build-up of fat in your liver and prevent further injury. People with fatty
liver disease should avoid drinking alcohol.
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National Institutes of Health
NIH Publication No. 03-4098